In Weeks 5 and 6, Items are judged by emailing them to cakefaeries *at* gmail.com or sheilachainstory *at* gmail.com ^_^

You can still send Weeks 1 to 4 items to there, though superlatives for those periods have already been scored, and will not be rescored if people send us more (meaning that you'd get somewhat less points for them if they are 2 weeks late :), but still *some* points ^_^ )


1 point per (max 40 each)

1) Game of Thrones Puns

2) Roman Puns

3) Bishop Puns

4) Hat Puns

5) Rebellion Puns

6) Censorship Puns

7) Waterfowl Puns

8) Anonymity Puns

9) Reptilian Puns

10) Puns involving two of these things count double.

11) Bonus: why the above selection of puns? Nemo me imp-pun-net?


1 point per sentence extending last fornight's chainstories.

2 points per illustration of last night's chainstories (50 max)

3 points per line linking two of last week's initial lines.

4 points per paragraph linking two existing chains.

5 points per choose your own advnture decision node linking three existing chains.

P: PICTURES (is Part-Listeny)

1) Own sketches of Geek Symbols (3 per conceptually distinct symbol)

2) Own sketches of Alternative Subculture Symbols (3 per ditto)

3) +4 on previous item list's scores for sketches of new safer space crests solicited there.

4) Your own art: Mouse-Person, Cat-Person, Deer-Person and Cow-Person crests [15 for sketches, 30 for useable art]

5) Ditto for Bird-Person, Dog-Person, Rabbit-Person and Horse-Person.

6) Concepts for an Age Dysphoria Crest (3 each)

7) + 12 for a sketch of each of 6)


"with their own little hat" for animate items is replaced with "with their own little wand", "with their own little safer space flag"

Chainstory lines are double if containing alliteration, and illustrations are double if containing aglitteration :)


1) Largest Wolf (with real evidence)

2) Largest Wolf (with fake evidence)

3) A manifesto for each of Spartacus and the Mad Hatter.

4) LGBT+ references, intended or unintended, in the 1980's version of She Ra (rather than the Nov 16 Netflix Reboot, since that's not out yet!)

5) Ditto but for the original 'gray into color' "Wizard of Oz" film.

6) A crest for the "Veela Angels" [20]

7) The Anacondas' Cookbook (tasteful, please, and entirely legal) [1 point per sentence, 400 max]

8) The previous fortnight's duel challenge points carry over to the current fortnight :) So continue issuing Duel Challenges etc :)

9) Original art featuring Swans [10 points per swan, 10 max, + 5 for each swan pic associated with a distinct 'Bring Back ASBO' motif]

10) If there were 77 distinct Ajahs (Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time has rather less of them!), fine, we could easily allot each a different coloured shawl, but what cause, subject, focus would each Ajah have? [1 point per Ajah]

11) Send the Judges a recording of a musical piece from the ongoing space opera "die Zauberkarotte" [80 each, 1 max per team per aria/overture]. (If you can basically sightread/sing, but don't know where these pieces can be found, write to the Judges for directions).

S: SOC LIST (is part-Listeny)

1) Tell us what CUSFS stands for [4]

2) Attend a CUSFS meeting. [15]

3) Tell us what TTBA stands for [4]

4) Submit an article to TTBA [25]

5) Submit a relevant piece of your own art to TTBA [15]

6) Locate CUSFS' LIBRARY (ie tell us where it is; don't go there...) [6]

7) Tell us what Jomsborg is [6]

8) Explain the difference between CUSFS and Jomsborg (1 point per relevant difference, 50 max).

9) Go to Rocksoc [20]

10) Tell us where in Cambridge live Rock Bands can be found [4 each, with evidence]

11) Name of cheapest pint buyable at any of the previous entry's venues.

12) Explain what 'Wake Up Screaming' means, in the Rocksoc context [8]

13) Explain what Anor is in relation to Tolksoc [6]

14) Tell us what LARP is [4]

15) Tell us what Taruithorn is.

16) Go to WhoSoc [15 + 15 point bonus for going in WhoSoc-relevant Fancy Dress]

17) Submit us a character sheet [20 per game type ever run as LARP in Cambridge]

18) Explain CULES' philosophy to us [10]

19) Explain CUFT, CUSFS and the CakeFaeries' (lack of) political systems to us [10 points each]

20) Explain Quidditch, Ultimate Frisby and CSSW's gender-related rules to us, including how these differ from Korfball's and pretty much any other sport's.

21) Explain SOCA's philosophy to us (1 point per plausibly philosophical point)

22) Attend a SOCA meeting [15 points per type of SOCA meeting]

23) Attend one of each kind of SOCA meeting (100 point bonus)

24) Explain what Twister is, in the context of this Soc-List's entities.

25) List Safer Space events and activities that can be found in Cambridge for which there is online evidence, pointing at least one website mentioning each.

26) Give funnier meanings for acronyms in this paragraph (1 per 4, + 30 bonus for a complete set).

27) Non-standardly named committee posts (or vaguely similar) at socs listed in this paragraph (1 point each, provided there is internet evidence for it).

28) Non-standardly notioned committee posts (or vaguely similar) ditto, except now worth double.

Bonus: Double for attending a meeting if in the process you cake that meeting :)

[Our Scavenger Hunt in no way condones or excuses misbehaviour at any event attended, or as regards being challenged by porters while on uni premises.]