This is a Lighter Hearted Societies parallel of College Parenting, run by Alternative Welcome .

0 If you wish for people like College Parents and/or to be told about/introduced to some lighter-hearted Societies, email with your: Name, Address and College/Department (if you have such); you must email from your official university email address if you possess a such. Likewise if you are offering to Soc-Parent. If you are in, or interested in any, lighter-hearted socs, also be welcome to specify which if that is a big issue to you, so as to improve the chances of matching Soc-Parents and soc-Children on that basis.

1 Do this and agree to abide by Alternative Welcome's rules during the Soc-Parenting activity and you will be alotted 2 or 3 Soc-Parents/Soc Children accordingly.

2 Foremost, we are a tolerant people. During our activities, we do not accept abusivenesses or prejudices due to race, gender, LGBT-ness, age, occupation etc. The last of these means, among other things, that we consider graduates, undergraduates, people at Anglia Ruskin university, ex-Cambridge people etc as *equals* rather than as anykind of division on which abuse, exclusion or any other kinds of prejudice might be based. The only people we do not accept are those who are intolerant of others, or whose irresponsibilites put the society and its benevolent motives and image at risk. In these and further ways (see below link to our Disclaimer), Alternative Welcome is a Safer Space provider and itself indeed operates under Safer Space conditions, and that includes this Soc-Parenting venture of ours. In a nutshell, our Safer Spaces mean "no personal abuse, anyone upset during/over our activities by another is welcome to say so, with apologies and non-repeats expected".

3 If you volunteer to have Soc-Children and you get some, you should arrange to meet them. And to do at least 1 of have a family meal or take them to a mutually agreeable Lighter Hearted Society, at which you shall ensure that they are introduced, welcomed and get to know what the society is about (to occur within the first term or in the first week of the second term).

If you wish to be part of this you should read and during and over this activity abide by our regulations , which, unsurprisingly, look rather similar to those for the Cake Faerie and for our Safer Space Events :)

Our People have been doing this for over 20 years now... some of us stay in touch and we offer reunions.