See here for Social Anxiety itself.

SAxFluidity includes such as bimodality, in which a person is Anxious at some times or in some settings, but is more neutral or outgoing at other times or in other contexts.

Some people are purely SAxFluid - Social Anxiety Fluid - rather than SAxFluid due to some other Fluidity such as GenderFluid.

As alternatives to pure SAxFluidity, some people are SAxFluid because they are Closeted. E.g. in places they feel safe enough to be Out, they act more confidetly than in places they are not.

Some people's GenderFluidity induces SAxFluidity.

Triggering in Survivors can also be a cause of SAxFluidity.

So can changing, or being about to change, mental state in cases such as some people who are Bipolar.

See here for General Fluidity.

Since Advanced Communications Badges can be useful to SAxFluid people, we provide a link to a discussion about these here.