In weeks 3 to 5, Items are judged principally by emailing sheilachainstory *at* gmail.com ^_^ Items to take to judges specifically will be provided for in weeks 6 to 8.

High Scrabble Score Letter Items

P is for Mary Poppins (Opening Icebreaker Round 1)

Bring us:

1) An Umbrella [2]

2) A Plush Parrot [4]

3) An Actual Parrot-Headed Umbrella [20]

4) Act out arriving by flying in with it [10]

5) A reconstituted letter asking for a less strict nanny [10 + 2r for r the number of 6-year-old-logical reasons given]

6) ... in two distinct childlike hands [doubles the previous]

7) Tuppence [2]

8) ... in multiple coins [4 + 10(c - 2) for c = number of coins used]

9) ... in suitable period coins [8 + 21(c - 2)]

10) A Spoonful of Sugar [4]

11) ... and act out Making the Medicine Go Down [6 per Actor simultaneously present]

12) Act out the Chimneysweep Scene [8 per actor simultaneously present, double if rendered musically]

13) Which TV series used a pun based on this song in the context of tampered high school drugs test results?

14) Explain what "supercallifragilisticexpialidocious" means [6]

15) Sing the associated song [8 per voice/accompanying instrument simultaneously used]

16) Find us real words that are longer than this one [4 points each, 10 max]

17) Explain what "sumptiouscutlassopugilisticflexipointéelungidoccioes" means, literally [10]

18) ... and figuratively [16]

19) Which other variants of "supercallifragilisticexpialidocious" have been used to date in TTBA?

20) Invent your own variants of "supercallifragilisticexpialidocious" to refer to anything on this term's Scav Hunt Items List [6 each, but 20 each if judged to be comparable standard to 17)]

Q is for Quork: Estimate the Size of the Giant Swans (Opening Icebreaker Round 2)

For each web(-footed) address given, estimate the size of the Giant Swan depicted there [12 points each]







7) This term's "Swanduct Unbecoming of the Arcanum" 's Team Flag's Swans.





12) [4 points] per relevant supporting argument in the more controversial cases.

13) Which of these are larger than Die Zauberkarotte's Swanto'raken? [4 points per correct yes/no/roughly-the-same answer]

14) Best estimate for the email list's 'sneak preview' Swan (i.e. number 8)

15) If a Swan weighed 6 tonnes, what wingspan and webbed-foot-size would it require to operate aereoterraqueously to a comparable extent to an actual Swan?

V is for VFD (Opening IceBreaker Round 3, Introducing the Judges)

1) What does VFD stand for? [3]

2) What are the two branches in its schism? [6]

3) Which popular cartoon was tampered with on U-tube to produce an analogous schism? [10]

4) As this Scavenger Hunt is being Adjudicated by Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire, Teams/Participants giving no Team Name are accorded 'VFD' teamnames. Where in the "An Unfortunate Series of Events" series do each of these feature? [5 each]

5) Name VFD's that feature only in Lemony Snicket's books and not in their TV adaptation. [4 each]

6) And which were invented solely for the TV version? [8 each]

7) Name VFD's that feature in both, but in transposed context [12 each]

8) Invent your own meanings of VFD [5 points each for first 10, 1 point each for next 100, 0.2 points each for next 1000].

9) Silliest VFD acronym proposed (Reminder: superlatives score 3 x n + 6 for first, then 3 less for each subsequent team's best shot at them, where n = number of teams).

10) Most Limonine - but not actually used by Lemony Snickett - VFD acronym.

11) Most Literal VFD

12) Most Figurative VFD

13) Dedicate a VFD acronym to each of this term's judges Violet, Klaus and Sunny [5 each + 10 each if drawn + 10 more if drawing includes a Portrait of the character]

14) What psychoanalytic term does the series' presentation of the despicative term "cakesniffer" allude to, and how many minutes into which episode is this rendered clear? Compose a VFD acronym for each of this term, for cakesniffing, and for the perpetrator. [8, 8, 8, 8 and 4].

15) Draw family trees for the characters, encircling members of each side of the schism in a suitable distinct colour [2 per character, 2 per correct allegiance].

16) Most red-herring-like VFD acronym.

17) Least 'in' VFD acronym to tar-and-feather Lucy Punch's character with...

18) VFD acronym most likely to confuse Count Olaf.

19) A VFD in honour and remembrance of each character killed by Count Olaf [6 each]

20) VFD's describing each item on this term's CakeFaeries Scavenger Hunt Lists [4 each, 20 percent completion bonus as if this were an Items List Section]

21) Hand-drawn Cartoon Strip about the Life of the Incredibly Deadly Viper [5 points per picture, 3 points per distinct VFD relevantly used therein].

The rest of this instalment of items concerns MultiMedia ChainWriting. In other words, we're bonkers enough to be chainwriting the second half of a Space Opera this term... and so need silly ideas, music, art, worldbuilding... as well as Assembly Into a Coherent Whole.

Z is for Die ZauberKarotte, ongoing lampoon of Die Zauberflotte (The Magic Flute)

You can demonstrate you've read Part I of Die Zauberkarotte - split between here and here - by answering our opening quiz below.

1) Who does the Barbarian meet first? [3]

2) What form does this character's sidekick take? [4]

3) What is the Barbarian given in this meeting? [5]

4) Which painter is one of the first two overt antagonists named after? Which Game of Thrones character(s) are also alluded to in His Name? [4 + 6]

5) Which fraction appears in the name of the other of the first two overt antagonists? (Bonus: which Wheel of Time character is She named in lampoonery of?) [4 + 4]

6) What is distinctive about Sherahaada's steed? [5]

7) Which item on this Items List does the name of Sherahaada's spear score you points for? [5]

8) Where, according to this Space Opera, may CUSFS (Sci Fi Society's) Library be found? [6]

9) Which two items-of-state does the Paddledabbleshine Pineapple Duck Empress carry with her? What other item does she have when we first meet her? [5 + 5 + 5]

10) Where did we espy the most likely character to be the Librarian? [6]

11) Which two kinds of aerial transport are the Ducks known to have? [4 + 4]

12) What sporting event does the Barbarian give commentary on as a reporter, and for which TV station? [4 + 4]

13) What is a shredded curtain prune? [8]

Now, relating this to the plot and characters of Mozart's Die Zauberflotte:

14) Which character group do Sherahaada and the candidate for Librarian belong to? [6]

15) Which characters are the first two overt antagonists a 'highly confused' interpetation of? [6]

16) Who is cast in Tamino's role in our version? [6]

17) What is our version's analogue of the Magic Flute itself? What pun in what language is this based on? [6 + 8]

18) Which TV series was pointed out to already fit the specification of being a sinister minor key version of Mozart's version of our first overt antagonists' duet? [20]

19) Who is the far most likely candidate to be our version's evil counterpart of Sarastro? [6]

20) In Mozart's version, a distinctively instrumented aria depicts dancing animals. How is it distinctively-instrumented, and what happens during our version's variation on this theme. [6 + 10]

21) Which of Mozart's concertos - itself a lampoon - can Part I's Finale be interpreted as a double-lampooning of? [20]

22) Make a recording of music from Part I of Die Zauberkarotte. [100 points per page per voice-or-hand; note: you can get a lot of points for this, as there's quite a lot of pages of sheet music, and most of it is 3-or-4 voices-or-hands.]

23) Work elsewise on musical scores mentioned on this items list (edit, comment...) [Points at Judges' discretion]

{Production Note/Disclaimer: any words coined, phrases uttered, music written or voicelessly recorded, or pictures sent to us within Die ZauberKarotte-Related sections, you consent by sending to its possible poblication in TTBA magazine as well as on our website.]

K is for DucKquiem

[Four Mergansers of the NonAlarming-Toy-Gun-Nozzle-Orange Anajah have been brutally killed offstage during apprehension of Notorious Mass Murderess-Mantisss, Mary Creepy-Crawley, as she perambutted hexumphantly off with the severed head-and-beard of the Champion of the PogoStick-Bearded Peoples at the end of Part I of Die Zauberkarotte. Consequently, Part II opens with a Funeral of State at the White-and-Bookcase-Mithril Tower of Iluvatarvalonqar]


1) What does "perambutted hexumphantly" mean? [12]

2) Given Troublesome Tribbles Behave Academically, why might Toy Guns be used in apprehending a Mantisss? [10]

3) This Mantissss struck by Posing as a Chronophage; draw this act of Mimicry. [20 if coloured in vaguly right]

4) Why is "The Cicada Sloughs its Golden Shell" associated with Mimicry? [10]

5) What is "Mimicry" often said to be the secondmost-supreme of? And the supreme is? Which is better for the weaker party? How might the weaker party use both at once? [8 + 8 + 8]

A sketch of the story we have so far is this:

* Frumiousmantisssnoises amidst clanking of chains offstage left *

Four aixeromorphic coffins lie centrestage on plinths under a Memory of Light. Each is draped in the NonAlarming-Toy-Gun-Nozzle-Orange Anajah's distinctive megalanic sandarakinochromatic circumgorgial Soul-Shawl garmentation.

We are then commisioned to make the following:


6) Compose us a "Duckrimosa", for 1 Brass Voice, 1 Oboe Voice, Duckling Supersoprano Choir and Cygneto'raken Altos [1200, 15 bars minimum, 4 voices-or-hands minimum: Oboes, Brass, Cygneto'raken, Ducklings]

What passes as a Libretto for this is as follows.

Cygneto'raken "Quieeeerk, Duckrimosa, Duckrimoooooosa.

Duckling Choir "Quieieieierk, Diecriemisa, Diecriemieieieiesa.

Cygneto'raken "The Mantissss has got Mergansers"

Duckling Choir "Bravely they Stood Their Ground"

Cygneto'raken "Quieeeerk, Duckrimosa.

Duckling Choir "Quieieieierk, Nonieliermieng Tiey Gin Niezzle irienge ieniejieh"

Cygneto'raken "You now rest in the Nightponde"

Together: "Dona vobis Duckquiem"/"Dieni viebies Dieckquieiem"


7) Compose us a "Fulva Mirum Spargens" Cameo/Linker [400 for 5 bars], to occur in the background of the following dialogue sketch.

"Their sacrifice shall always be remembered here" soulemnly intoned the Paddledabbleshine Empress-Goddess Pineapple-Duck Queen of the Night.

"Cut down to a Duck holding their ground, so that the Mergansocopters with the [withheld-as-the-answer-to-another-item] could take aim." condecorirespectoadded Lady High Captain Commander-General Sherahaada.

"My Peoples will join you in this war" bombastarticulated RegalBearde 'The Axisymmetric', Third of His Name, Elastarchjesty of the PogoStickBearded Peoples, opposite a fifth coffin mounted on springs. "He was our finest athlete and champion for several generations..."

"We must take it to HIS remaining client state" said the Pintail Philharmonic Armestra's Conductor-General.

[The first bar of our version of "Confutatis Maledictis" plays here]

"One should not abandon hope that the HyperMasons would listen to reason." quaquququququarraterjected The Paddledabbleshine aixeroconciliatorily.

[The angelic Duckling-Choir countermotive plays behind this concerning the HyperMasons' sad addicition]

"Whereas the Downton Hiveworld still have unaccounted-for troops in the field...

[The Menacing Horns tune backs this up]

"We've had to deal with them before, and know something of their ways..." straterjected Sherahaada.

[Angelic background, now also with Cygnets and Astral Lionesses Purritoning]

"So we should see if something similar is going on over at Viperstreams" finished The Paddledabbleshine with cucciarabandaceous Avian grace.

[Menacing Horns Background again]

[Now the Ducklings can be heard singing for various bars, while PogoStick-Bearded Tenors cuss Tuffkonen for manipulating the HyperMasons; the music dies down.]

"Take five Astral Lionesses thither, screened by twenty of our best Swanto'raken Crews; you know what to look out for" concludelegted The Paddledabbleshine.

She turned to the left. "And thank you for providing us with such a solemnocampanitollsrealisticsknellspiouslysonorous bell for this service, Foundress Billbella; there is something else I would..."

[This conversation's volume rapidly drops off, as the lights fade.]

8) Rework Confutatis Maledictis' words to refer to Tuffkonen's (see Part I, in particular a footnote in 2018 edition for who this is) vile ways, and to CornoStatus the HyperMason (see Sec H) being Addicted to having ever-larger Antlers nailed to his head. [400 for 5 bars]

9) Explain where the final sentence of this scene may be going... [20]

10) Guesstulate what cucciarabandaceous might refer to [10]

11) Send us a shade of NonAlarming Toy Gun Nozzle Orange [10]

12) Change your facebook profile to have NonAlarming Toy Gun Nozzle Orange background in solidarity (only if you are Out as being a member of these Safer Spaces) [60]

13) Explain what megalanic sandarakinochromatic circumgorgial Soul-Shawl garmentation is, alongside its suitability to Sci Fi, Fantasy and Deceased Ducks. [8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8]

14) Explain what A Memory of Light refers to [6]

V is for Viperstreams Infirmery

This is the next Aria's arena...

1) Identify the pun [6]

The opening dialogue is:

Swanto'aken-Captain Francesca Drakeneersdottir of the Car-Metallic-Mint-Green Anajah "I Spy with My Little Eye, a poster of a contest for a Rag Blind Date with a Sexy Lempshade..."

Sherahaada's eyebrows perk up

"And we still have four hours before the [insert utterly ridiculous contest] occurs."

"Our smaller Swanto'raken to land silently on the incinerator and [insert ridiculous medlab parody] ventrooves to survey for any lampshade that the [redacted-antagonist] could fit inside" commanded Sherahaada. "She's 5'6 and 102 pounds, all of it [redacted specification of deadly bodyparts], thrice as fast as a snake, and with over 70 years of combat experience. Positive sight code NonAlarming-Toy-Gun-Nozzle-Orange."

2) Given the Space Opera, and one other article in TTBA link, identify the most likely antagonist. [12]

3) ... and depict this individual disguised as a Sexy Lampshade. [40]

4) Most ridiculous medlab parody.

5-8) Invent the contest the Doctors have been asked to enter in order to go on a shredded curtain prune with said lampshade. (This is a superlatives game on: Silliest, most like the antagonist, most like the antagonist's most famous other character, and most Hippocratic :P)

9) What giveaway feature do you think the Lampshade disguise should possess? [40 for the intended answer, 20 for other good tries]

10) Draw Swanto'raken landing on Viperstreams Infirmery roofs (these are basically Giant Swans used to land platoons of experienced duck warriors). [20 per tangibly distinct Swanto'raken, 10 max.]

H is for Designing the HyperMasons' Hornocentric Homestead (World Building I)

1) As regards the relevance of the Masons in the first place, point to Masonic elements in Die Zauberflotte [4 points each, no limit on number]

2) Explain how Monty Python depict the Masons [4 points per relevanza]

So, using Graham Chapman as starting point, HyperMasons are to Have Horns.

3) Explain the actual connection between Masons and horns. [6]

Our next idea was that Graham Chapman was the First HyperMason, and things only got Sillier from there...

Our subsequent move was to provide the mechanism by which this happened. Namely that the HyperMasons are to be Ruled by He Who Has the Largest Antlers Nailed to His Head.

4) What do the specifically-male pronouns here refer to? [6]

5) What 2000's era Safer Space Game Series contains expressions of the form ... "ruled by the -insert silly-superlative- ?" [6]

6) Give other such expressions ... which actually occurred in mid 2000's games. [4 each]

7) Make up your own silly such expressions ... as lampoons of current Cambridge Lighter Hearted Societies [10 lampoons max per current such society, none in ill taste shall be uploaded onto the website.]

The story necessitates the HyperMasons having other rituals and traditions, so provide us with some candidate such...

8) Silliest

9) Most handshakesome

10) Most apronesque

11) Most triangle-cringeworthy

12) Most egyptologically paradoxed

13) Most Bedecked with convoluted pseudomasonic vocabulary

14) Most confusible with the corresponding practises of the Illuminati.

15) Most prominently featuring on an item of real-world currency.

16) Most Dead-Poets-Societ-o-genic.

17) Most alike, and yet conceptually distinct from, a Masonic element used in Die Zauberflotte itself.

18) Most elsewise Chapmantessential

19) Most Gilliamoidal

20) Most Jonesistential

21) Most Williamsotypal

22) Most Idlesome

23) Most Cleeseaesthetic

24) Most Palindromic

25) Most Pallindromic

26) Overall most HyperMasonic (a superlative-of-superlatives, worth 9 n + 36 if you can accompany it with 9 other conceptually distinct instances of X-of-X's)


The HyperMason Music is to start by lampooning the 'bragging Aria' from Don Giovanni, in which it is evidenced that The Foul Git Is Keeping Score.

27) What does Don Giovanni keep score of? [4]

28) What numbers are involved? [3 per number]

29) Draw HyperMasons with antler-racks of the same size, in metres, to scores from Don Giovanni's 'score book'? [20 per picture]

30) Give the double-entendre concerning Don Giovanni keeping a 'score-book'. [4]

The HyperMason Music is to continue as a Duet between CornoStatus (groan: Ruler of the HyperMasons) and Sherahaada, lampooning the famous duet in which the Stone Commander drags Don Giovanni down to Hell.

31) Invent a better title than "Ruler" as regards HyperMasons.

32) How is CornoStatus also a Magic Flute pun?

33) In which ways is Sherahaada like the Stone Commander? [4 points each, 10 max]

34) Sherahaada is however actually coaxing CornoStatus out of an addiction.

35) Name other instances in Die ZauberKarotte so far of 'the people interpreting the original Librettos getting Everything Wrong' :) [5 per deliberate misinterpretation, 10 per misinterpretation we weren't even aware of]

36) Make rhyming one-line exchange dialogue between Sherahaada and CornoStatus, along the lines of Gandalf freeing Theoden King from Saruman's sorcerous grip. [10 points per rhyming couplet]

37) Write musical musical scores for the bragging and the duet, in the general style of W.A. Mozart [1200 points each, 15 bars each minimum, 3 and 4 voice music minimum, say 2-handed piano + C (bass) and then + S (soprano) as well. 500 point bonuses will be accorded for each half if they are new (substantially distinct from any existing) variations of the actual arias in question.]

W is for Wheel of Time Related Worldbuilding Elements in Die Zauberkarotte (World-Building II)

1) What is an Ajah? [4]

2) What is an Anajah? [6]

3) What is an Ananajah? [8]

4) Why might Sherahaada be described as Far Dareis Mai? [4 points per reason, 10 max]

5) Unrelated to Wheel of Time: what triple portmanteau of names is the name "Sherahaada based on"? Which two have been used so far? Can you predict how the third is intended to be used? [15 + 8 + 25]

6) What are the two main ways that the word "Dragon" is used in the Wheel of Time? [6]

7) What is Tarmon Gai'don? Which two White Tower Groups in particular are intended to prepare for this? [4 + 10]

8) Draw Seanchan military units [8 point per distinct unmounted troop type, 16 per distinct mounted troop type.]

9) Which animals in Die ZauberKarotte are inspired by the Seanchan Army, and how do they differ from their inspirations? [6 per fantastic beast pairing, 2 per reason 50 reasons max]

10) What is Aludra's significance in the Wheel of Time saga? [10]

11) Recite the names of the Forsaken to a Judge [2 per correct Forsaken]

12) In Die Zauberkarotte, what are the Cawsaken? [8]

13) Given that only two Cawsaken have appeared so far and there's 13 Forsaken, provide up to 11 further names for Cawsaken... [4 each, with superlatives on Silliest, most Jordanesque, most Zauberflottilant, and most Necronomicononominativogenic :P ]

J is for Hyperjodorowskian pullback scenes (World-Building III)

1) Explain what a Jodorowskian pullback scene is and refers to [8 + 8]

2) Explain why Jodorowski's Dune was never made using a continuity argument [10]

3) Speculate what Sci Fi and Fantasy filmography would look like if it had been made [4 per speculation, 300 max]

4) Jodorowski did however commision a leading 20th century cartoon strip artist - Mobius - to assemble a roughly 1000-page Playbook of what would have been in his 'half day long' film version of Dune...

5) Build us a Mobius Strip [4]

6) Build us a cartoon strip in the style of Mobius for a pullback scene version of when we meet the Anaeseducks in Part I of Die Zauberkarotte [20 per small sketch, 200 per highly-detailed A4, containing at least 100 characters each; these A4's must be handmade]

7) Provide us with a Mobius-Mobius Strip [10]

8) Concepts and graphic art design from Jodorowski's Dune were moreover used in subsequent films for decades to come. [1 point per year after designed that each feature was used].

9) Explain what Fremen, Mentats and Sardaukar are. [4+4+4]

10) Explain what a Padishan Emperor is. [6]

11) What addition did Salvador Dali ask to be made to his court if he was to play Padishan Emperor? [8]

12) Explain what, in Die Zauberkarotte, a Paddledabbleshine Empress is, from an ethymological point of view [15]

14) Draw us a sample of the colours of each of the 77 Anajahs in Die Zauderkarotte's hyperJodorowskian pullback scene [2 per colour]

15) Provide names for the remaining Anajahs (named after colours that are at least 20 characters long, so far, apart from the two in the current document, we have

the Cotton-Candyfloss-Pinkgenta Anajah,

the Fine-Powdery-Crushed-Blanched-Almond Anajah,

the German-Cherry-Jaffa-Cake-Vermillion Anajah,

the Mississippi-Mudpie-Brown Anajah,

the Louisiana-Cajun-Crawfish-Orange Anajah, and

the Various-Shades-of-Grey-and-Green-to-Blend-Better-into-the-Shadows-as-Selected-and-Used-By-Lord-Avian-Vetinari-Anajah.

So, superlatives on most fantastical colour, longest colour name, funniest colour name).

Y is for SillitarY SYmbols (World-Building IV)

1) Give the Military Symbols for Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery.

2) Give Military Symbols for further distinct real-life troop types.

4) Specializations.

5) Give Military Symbols for Seanchan Troop Types.

Extrapolate to Military Symbols for the following (must be graphic art, so we can copy them and trundle them round the battlefield's geographical-layout diagram... and scoring 40 points each per requested image)


6) Anaseduck Sorcerous Light Infantry

7) Heavy Astral Lionessery

8) PogostickBearded Self-Propelled Fast-Flanking Units

9) 3rd Swanto'rakenborne Merganserines

10) Mergansocopters

11) Pintail Philharmonic Armestra (see Trouble Tiptoeing? Become Airborne!)

12) NonAlarming-Toy-Gun-Nozzle-Orange Anajah

13) HyperMasonic BarbedWireHorn UltraHeavy Defense Infantry

14) Gjellarhorn-and-Spoonifex wielding Paddledabbleshine Empress Personality Model

15) Dismounted Sherahaada (Elite SilmarilSpearWielding Personality Model)

16) Barbarian Psy-Ops Burptillery

17) Heroes of the Horn

18) ... including a separate Personality Model token for Martial Arts Master Cat from Dragonball (who is here however female),

19) ... and also including Veela Artillery-Spotter Units.


20) FrankenKarotte Grey-Carrot Zombie Infantry

21) FrankenKarotte Orange-Carrot Vampire Self-Propelled Airborne.

22) Electroshock Chamber Access Chutes

23) Baronstard Tuffkonen HIMSELF (Personality Model)

24) Malevolent Cat of Ominsapience Personality Model (Elite Cheshivanescenceborne Assassin Infantry)

25) Cawsaken Airborne: Regular.

26) Cawsaken Airborne: Torturers' Detachment

27) Cawsaken Airborne: Useless-but-Plays-the-Harp, having Signed-Up-For-The-Wrong-Reasons.

There is only 1 27) 'personality' model, but 10 between 25) and 26), so you're welcome to submit multiple of each of such up to this joint total.

28) Elite and Doubly-Elite Mantissss Viperrapid-Pounceantry,

29) Explain what's up with the Dude with the Harp... [8]

30) Explain what Chesivanescenceborne means. [12]

31) Best rendition of a Fridge Metaphore for why some of the Frankencarrots are only Zombie-Grey Grade Troops.

32) Invent a Sillitary Symbol modifier for 'benevolent troop type taken over, i.e. 'turned', by Orange-Carrot Vampires [40]

33) Find or refute: is this the first time that Zombie, Vampire and 'turned' modifier military symbols have appeared on the Internet? [20]

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