Let's explain what the CakeFaeries' Teashop Crawl is, since we'll be having one at some point soonish.

This involves going on a route with a number of teashops so as to have tea and/or cake :)

Its timing is only approximate, so it is `text to find us'.

Its organizers will carry cake of their own, so some stops will involve a nice place to sit outside for the consumption of that cake.

Being CakeFaeries, the Teashop Crawl is also opportunity for Assistant CakeFaeries to collect bags of cake to give out in their colleges, and might occasionally involve a CakeFaerie Scout or two taking a small detour on the route to pidge-Cake some people or hang a bag of cake from a nearby Assistant CakeFaerie's door.

As one can imagine, the CakeFaeries's Teashop Crawl is a Safer Space event :)

RockSoc also have Teashop Crawls :)